Friday, March 14, 2014


What sets us Apart...

* Optional enrollment in our Enrichment Program (afternoons, including lunch)

* Structured, caring environment that promotes emotional and social growth

* Daily gym time, either outside in fenced-in play area or in the gym to focus on gross motor skills

* Music and movement

* Snack time daily

* Summer Camp Programs for preschool through 2nd grade

* Group settings (circle time) for    sharing, learning, and listening

* Creative art projects that foster fine-motor skills (tracing, cutting, writing, etc) as well as other Pre-K  and Kindergarten skills

* Weekly Chapel and worship with Pastor which includes community involvement through offerings and various projects

* “Jesus Time” that emphasizes our Savior and His forgiveness of our sins.  Various Bible stories are introduced throughout the year. 

* Various field trips throughout the year to highlight learning and current themes

* Thematic units that run throughout the classroom and centers.

* Assessments given to provide parents information on student progress

3-year-old Program

* Focus on helping children transition from parallel play to interactive play

* Learning centers that foster free choice of play and provide opportunities to develop interests in all areas of curriculum

* Curriculum focuses on introduction to Pre-K skills such as letters, numbers, shapes, colors, name recognition and basic writing, etc.

* Interactive play as well as structured one-on-one learning done with the instructor

* Transitions throughout the day that use the “sit-move-sit” design

4-year-old Program

* The 4-year-old program takes what the 3-year-old program has taught and expands upon those concepts. 

* Structured learning centers that allow children to learn to transition from one activity to the other

* One-on-one instruction time during learning centers

* Curriculum focuses on Kindergarten readiness

* Many approaches are offered as a means to introduce the children to concepts such as numbers recognition and writing, letter recognition and writing, phonemic awareness, beginning reading, simple math and science concepts.

* Focus on developing social, intellectual, physical, emotional, and  creative skills necessary for Kindergarten. 

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