Sunday, April 27, 2014

Springtime is HERE!

Finally with warmer weather we are able to go outside and play AND do plenty of Spring Activities!!  It was a great month learning about lots of Spring topics and Jesus' Resurrection!  

Welcome to our Flower Shop!!  This month we had a Flower Shop in our Kitchen Center to go along with the Spring Theme.  We made and labeled the parts of a flower as well.  The students really were interested in how a flower grows and how the roots hold it into the ground.  We started a root garden last week so we will be able to see the roots... and the vegetables that are roots that we love to eat, like radishes and carrots! 

We celebrated Earth Day this year by making our hands in the shape of a Earth Heart and talking about how we can take care of the Earth... After all, we are the only ones that can!

  The kids had fun clipping the grass that was growing in our room this month, along with hiding Easter Eggs and plastic bugs in it as well! 
To celebrate Palm Sunday, we cut out Palm Leaves and had a parade around the room.  We talked about how Jesus was so welcome into Jerusalem that day that people even laid their coats on the ground.  We sang a song as we marched in our Palm Sunday Parade "Ho, ho, ho hosanna... Ah, ah, alleluia... He, he, he he saves me... Now I've got the JOY of the LORD!"

Ahh water and bubbles!!  We had fun making "Bubble Printed Bb's" using paint, dawn soap and water.  The kids wanted to keep making the bubbles go higher and higher.  The pictures looked awesome once they were dry!